STOP A retreat for women who just want everything to stop so they can find themselves again.
Join us on the Isle of Mull where we invite you to truly switch off from the world.
Women are notoriously bad at putting themselves first.
We often hold everything together whilst internally falling apart.
We go through life saying:
I’ll have time to …………… ‘when the children are older’, or ‘when my career takes off’ or ‘when I retire’.
If this is you - STOP right now.
You deserve some ‘me’ time
You deserve some R and R
You deserve some space in which to breathe, to discover and to ask yourself
Who am I?
Our next 5 day retreat at Carsaig House, Isle of Mull will hopefully run in Spring 2024
This includes:
Trust – 2 days using the gentle techniques of Courage and Renewal www.couragerenewal.org/ to start an inner exploration.
Breathe – an introduction to Heartmath – regular sessions of this scientifically proven technique, which increases resilience and renews your inner battery.
Care – 'You cannot pour from an empty jug.' - We know that so many of you put yourselves last. Our NLP techniques we'll help you understand why and teach you some new ways of thinking to help you care for no 1.
Space – the beauty of the island, lochs, beaches and hills for you to explore on your own or with a guide.
Time – plenty of time to just be, to stroll on the hills, to watch the sea.
This is an amazing retreat in a simply stunning environment. Deer roam in front of the house and seals swim in the bay. There is peace. There is quiet. And we can have prosecco on Friday night!
Prices include all programmes, accommodation, continental self service breakfast and evening meals – which we will cook in teams.
Prices per delegate.
Double room ensuite (for single occupant) £995
Twin room (shared) £895
Cottage (sleeps 4 in 2 x twin rooms) - £790 per person (all meals etc taken in main house 2 mins walk away)
Please see https://www.lhhscotland.com/properties/detail/?id=24860
for details of the luxurious accommodation in the house.
Email [email protected] to reserve your place.
Join us on the Isle of Mull where we invite you to truly switch off from the world.
Women are notoriously bad at putting themselves first.
We often hold everything together whilst internally falling apart.
We go through life saying:
I’ll have time to …………… ‘when the children are older’, or ‘when my career takes off’ or ‘when I retire’.
If this is you - STOP right now.
You deserve some ‘me’ time
You deserve some R and R
You deserve some space in which to breathe, to discover and to ask yourself
Who am I?
Our next 5 day retreat at Carsaig House, Isle of Mull will hopefully run in Spring 2024
This includes:
Trust – 2 days using the gentle techniques of Courage and Renewal www.couragerenewal.org/ to start an inner exploration.
Breathe – an introduction to Heartmath – regular sessions of this scientifically proven technique, which increases resilience and renews your inner battery.
Care – 'You cannot pour from an empty jug.' - We know that so many of you put yourselves last. Our NLP techniques we'll help you understand why and teach you some new ways of thinking to help you care for no 1.
Space – the beauty of the island, lochs, beaches and hills for you to explore on your own or with a guide.
Time – plenty of time to just be, to stroll on the hills, to watch the sea.
This is an amazing retreat in a simply stunning environment. Deer roam in front of the house and seals swim in the bay. There is peace. There is quiet. And we can have prosecco on Friday night!
Prices include all programmes, accommodation, continental self service breakfast and evening meals – which we will cook in teams.
Prices per delegate.
Double room ensuite (for single occupant) £995
Twin room (shared) £895
Cottage (sleeps 4 in 2 x twin rooms) - £790 per person (all meals etc taken in main house 2 mins walk away)
Please see https://www.lhhscotland.com/properties/detail/?id=24860
for details of the luxurious accommodation in the house.
Email [email protected] to reserve your place.